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Add one or more records to a collection in your database.

This adds record(s) to the join table that is automatically generated for a collection association (i.e. Many-to-Many). It accepts either the primary key of the record (string or number) or the data for a new record (dictionary/object). If a dictionary is specified, it will be used to create a new record and automatically associate it as a member of this collection association.

// Don't forget to call `.save()` afterwards!


Argument Type Details
1 recordsToAdd Number, String, Dictionary, Array The primary key of the record to add, an array of primary keys of records to add, or a dictionary of data representing a new record to create and then add.



To help a user named Finn in the database adopt a pet named Jake:

User.findOne({name:'Finn'}).populate('adoptedPets').exec(function (err, finn){
  if (err) { return res.serverError(err); }
  if (!finn) { return res.notFound('Could not find a user named Finn.'); }

  Pet.findOne({name:'Jake'}).exec(function (err, jake){
    if (err) { return res.serverError(err); }
    if (!jake) { return res.notFound('Could not find a pet named Jake.'); }

      if (err) { return res.serverError(err); }
      return res.ok();


  • .add() alone won't actually persist the change in associations to the database. You should always call .save() after you finish using .add() and/or .remove().
  • Attempting to add an association that already exists will throw an error. See here for an example.

Is something missing?

If you notice something we've missed or could be improved on, please follow this link and submit a pull request to the sails-docs repo. Once we merge it, the changes will be reflected on the website the next time it is deployed.
